The United States ultimately planned to sell billions of dollars' worth of nuclear reactors, spare parts, and nuclear fuel to Iran. Top Democratic and Republican leaders absolutely believe that Iran would like to develop nuclear weapons. A declassified document from President Gerald Ford's administration, during which Kissinger was secretary of state, supported Iran's push for nuclear power. To fully understand the hypocrisy of US foreign policy, we must travel back to the era of bell-bottoms, funny-looking polyester shirts, and party-mad dictators. The Iranians argued that they had engaged in the secret activity to prevent the United States from stopping their plans for nuclear power development and that they had no intention of developing nuclear weapons. Strict International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections since then have guaranteed none has been produced subsequently. Shortly after coming to power, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini scrapped the shah's nuclear power programs as un-Islamic.