In the foregoing analysis of the complex extended-case history of Kamahasanyi and his kin, affines, neighbours and fellow citizens, stress was laid on the organizational principles of matriliny and virilocal marriage. These principles are regarded as possessing the highest possible legitimacy, in the sense that they are positively evaluated, and accepted as valid and binding by all Ndembu. The importance that matriliny, virilocality, seniority, masculinity, femininity, affinity, village solidarity and other principles quite clearly held for Kamahasanyi, Jim, Kachimba, and the rest can only be fully understood after the symbolism and role structure of an important life-crisis ritual were closely examined. The invocation at Nkang'a is similar in form to that made before the boys' circumcision rites, when the sponsoring village headman and lodge officials invoke their shades for the protection of all persons entrusted to their care during the course of the whole ritual.