Organizations and individuals form the micro foundations of institutional logics. In this chapter, I present an overview of six organization case studies categorized in a two-dimensional matrix. The first dimension spans the for/non-profit and public/private spectrum whereas the second dimension spans their resident-versus-online education models. Within each case study, I analyze the organizational and individual identities, goals, schema, and attention to develop a bottom-up picture of how institutional logics manifest at a micro level. As found in the data, I present a spectrum of identities—academic, community, corporation, market, state, social, and cyber-cultural. These identities have different goals that often conflict. The analysis also reveals guru, coach, and artist as three deep-seated schemas of teaching practice that are redefining teaching practice in the mediatized world of education. And across these identities and schema, student engagement emerges as the central focus of attention for all constituents in the case studies.