Roberto Poli points out that anticipation implies a shift in the paradigm of causality. Reperceiving the nature of time and dimensionality opens up new possibilities for understanding anticipation. Reperception is an intuitive act to shift the mind to see with different ‘internal eyes’ and pick up signals from the future that would otherwise be missed. Reperception can be recognised as a creative act in the context of entrepreneurial activity. Since the common interpretation of time is so clock-bound, it is better to describe them as ‘time-like dimensions’. Creativity and imagination are closely related to reperception. Induction is another way of interpreting reperception. Boundary critique can be helpful in clarifying the ambiguity and the power dynamics around agreeing what the system is that is to be improved, and for whose benefit. Mapping boundaries helps to surface assumptions and clarify agreement about what is in and what is out of the system in question.