The disorganisation of the Central Government of the Empire of Delhi in the eighteenth century was followed by the rise of a few soldier-statesmen to the helm of affairs at the imperial court. The tactics of raids upon the enemy troops in the open country that was now adopted to end the war of attrition bore fruit in the capitulation of the fortress on 30 April 1776. On the preceding night Ranjit Singh whether by chance or design issued out by the very side where Anupgiri was entrenched. Najaf, out of regard for the feelings of the Gosain left the Jat chieftain undisturbed in his possession, confiscating only Mursan to Afrasiayab's jagir. In the violent conflict that blazed out, the Gosain bore his part. With great foresight Najib had planted there colonies of Orkzai, Afridi and Umarkhel Pathans in the tips of the triangle forming the fort of Ghausgarh.