As mentioned earlier, Destination goes hand-in-hand with Itinerary and both need to be considered when planning enquiries and developing an enquiry school. Subject leaders should know what the priorities are for the school and these can run through the enquiries like a thread. There should be a focus on the skills needed to enhance the curriculum and enquiries. For example, writing is often a priority for schools, so ensure that writing opportunities are provided to support enquiries. This can be done effectively by ensuring there is a recording or writing element to the session, whether it’s adults or older children modelling writing to others, or children recording results or describing scenes. Make those cross-curricular links and in doing so you will gather evidence for subject leaders which will be valuable in their attempts to show how their subject is impacting the whole school. You will have to gather this evidence for them or organise the channels to share this information. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429487675/37cd4b35-cbd9-4612-a78e-6a4cf6332a91/content/fig5_1_B.tif"/>