Adamawa Province, with an area of 31,786 square miles, is larger than Scotland. Within Nigeria, Adamawa marches on the north with the Provinces of Bornu and Bauchi and on the west with Plateau and Benue, while to the south lies the Bamenda Province of the Southern Cameroons. In general terms the boundary between the British and French Cameroons from the source of the Yedseram as far as the Bornu border is the watershed which separates the basin of this river from that of the Kebi river. The administrative capital of the Province is Yola, which with its port and sabon gari offshoot of Jimeta carries a population of just under 20,000. In the northern districts of the Province, where the country rises to about 2,000 feet and the annual rainfall averages 42 inches, the climate is pleasantly free from the excessive heat and humidity caused by evaporation in the Benue valley.