In order to establish a household a man must be married, for each household requires a minimum of one woman as a working member of the unit. Among the Fulƃe marriage is regarded as the normal and desired state and all but those who are seriously disabled, mentally or physically, look forward to being married at some stage. Both the Fulƃe and the Haabe have recognized herbal medicines, but many herdsmen have doubts as to their therapeutic value. In passing value judgements on modern women, Fulƃe men speak of their lack of morality in comparison with the past when, living in larger local kin groups and being less active in the household economy, because of slaves, their behaviour could be more strictly controlled by men. Fulƃe say that the Haaƃe are not similarly disposed, since they are insensitive to shame and certainly lack the fortitude required of one who would take his own life.