Creating opportunities for people living at the base of the pyramid (BoP) not only contributes to their economic well-being but also promotes sustainable development in all its three dimensions–economic, social and environmental. In fact, the new 2030 Global Development Agenda integrates the three dimensions of sustainability and recognizes the significance of addressing climate change and other environmental challenges in order to achieve the eradication of poverty and its multidimensional effects. One important strategy for addressing the greatest challenges facing humanity is the fostering of inclusive online knowledge platforms that promote sustainable innovation and collaboration among core practitioners. The mission of the network is to stimulate new enterprises–either start-ups or intrapreneurial initiatives within existing companies–that are economically competitive, environmentally sustainable, socially beneficial, and culturally appropriate. The BoP Global Network is dedicated to developing and implementing win–win solutions that open new opportunities for business value creation while simultaneously enhancing the social development and environmental sustainability of the world’s poorest people and communities.