Data-driven decision-making models are emerging in almost every industry sector. Cyber-health infomediary specialists should have a foundational understanding of these models. The health infomediary specialist must first identify and define all market players within the network to be audited or reviewed. Cyber-health also provides significant opportunities to exploit the data collected in each process. Third-party vendors refer to the large number of non-professional or facility-based care providers that offer health-related products or services such as durable medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical benefit managers, ambulances, case managers, and attorneys. The infomediary would identify the pharmaceutical distribution network and existing nodes within the primary healthcare continuum. In an electronic health environment, the infomediary will need to be on guard for breaches of individual identifiable health information, documented data elements that comprise an individual’s identity. Healthcare consumers have several strategies they can utilize to protect themselves from both identity theft and medical identity theft.