Psychoanalytic treatment takes place within particular cultures and subcultures that affect the psyches and behavior of patients. Today’s American president and those who surround him reflect current cultural values. A comparison is made between the values of 40 years ago and today. “A new superego” is postulated. Today’s morality is narcissistically based. Maintaining and altering one’s body and acquiring wealth is valued over helping others and contributing to society. A “loss of integrity” is noted: a tolerance of lies and omissions (“fake news,” “alternative facts”); a tolerance of greed and envy; vast income inequality and job insecurity are the manifest content of many coming into treatment. There is much less separation-individuation and some “fail to launch.” The “news” can make healthy people sick and sick people sicker.

Nevertheless, there have been positive changes in that there is somewhat less gender inequality: gay men and women can marry, have children. Gender is more and more perceived as on a continuum. Mothers have joined the workforce and do not feel guilty about leaving their children. Technology has advanced and many of the infertile can have children. Relationships are to be found digitally; the pros and cons of this are discussed.