A common estimate is that sound creates half of a film’s impact. Ironically, post-production is an invisible process for creating what is generally regarded as a visual medium. Often, one may never know what specifically happened in the process, or who did what during it. Taking the place of flatbeds and humming in nearby rooms were the Avid computers, machines for the digital era. Computer-based, they were non-destructive, non-linear digital editing systems. “Non-destructive” refers to the fact that recorded material is not destroyed when editors manipulate it, as it would be in a flatbed film system where physical film is literally cut, and then taped together. Advanced, sophisticated filmmaking tools have become less expensive, better, and easier to use each year. Additionally, the presence of cameras on smartphones and the free editing tools that commonly come with computers have further democratized the filmmaking process. The chapter also presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in this book.