Whether deploying your forces along the banks or anchoring your vessels in the middle of a river to engage an enemy in battle, it is referred to as river warfare. When you approach a river, you must deploy your lines some distance from the edge because then you will entice the enemy to cross and also show there is nothing to be suspicious about. If you definitely want to engage in battle, do not approach too close to the river to confront the enemy, because they might fear being unable to ford the river successfully. If you do not want to engage in battle, then resist their forces right at the river to impede them, making it impossible for them to ford the river. If an enemy is crossing a river to come up and engage you in battle, it will be advantageous 172to wait at the water's edge until half have crossed before striking them. A tactical principle from the Wu-tzu states: "When half their force has forded the river they can be attacked."