A police constable who passed through the area a few days later condoned the manstealing by arresting and jailing some of the Bushmen for being in possession of loffelhund skins. In 1938, Professor Maingard reported on the bad health conditions of farm Bushmen in the southern Kalahari. Bushman unreliability was typified by Bushmen leaving with or without permission during the rainy season and returning when open water and veldkos became scarce. A common justification used by farmers and officials for low wages was that Bushmen did not appreciate the value of money. The drought caused numerous Bushmen to give up their independent existences and squat on farms near water holes. Some missionaries were uncomfortable with the way in which Rev. A. Unterkotter was exploiting the image of Bushmen. Unterkotter realized the multifaceted role that sorcerers played in Bushman communities and tried to isolate the sorcerer socially, despite the sorcerer's plea that he was Catholic and wanted to be left alone.