In 1915, farmer Bohme of Kakuse West wrote to the governor, complaining that von Zastrow was not providing him with adequate protection against Bushmen and that he had been forced to shoot a Bushman vagrant—one of his workers who had deserted. Xuiseb was fastened to accused's horse with Bushman rope. He had no clothes on, only a lappie hanging in front. Captured Bushman women were used to carry supplies. He described how they came upon a Bushman werft where two Bushmen were digging out a wild pig from a burrow. Farmers put a reward on Hans's head and on their own initiative revived the German government reward of 200 marks for every rifle removed from a Bushman. Farmers organized unofficial posses, and Bushmen continued to shoot at army patrols. Most of the farm labor in the area, especially Bushmen working for unpopular farmers, had absconded with a goodly number of goats and cattle. The army and farmers responded with brutality.