This chapter discusses an effort to build an ironic political myth faithful to feminism, socialism, and materialism. The type of Black women's power discussed here does resemble feminist theories of power which emphasize energy and community. Between 1492 and 1945, European breakthroughs in oceanic transportation, agricultural production, state-consolidation, bureaucratization, industrialization, urbanization and imperial dominion shaped the makings of the modern world. A cyborg is a cybernetic organism, a hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction. As orientalism is deconstructed politically and semiotically, the identities of the occident destabilize, including those of feminists. Bell Hooks labels the matrix a "politic of domination" and describes how it operates along interlocking axes of race, class, and gender oppression. Intersectionality is a conceptualization of the problem that attempts to capture both the structural and dynamic consequences of the interaction between two or more axes of subordination.