This chapter introduces some types of descent and shows the different ways in which they interrelate with systems of gender. A society whose kinship patterns are traced on the basis of double descent contains both matrilineal and patrilineal groups at the same time. A bilateral society is one that traces kin connections over the generations through both males and females, but without the formation of corporate descent groups. The cognatic descent construct reflects the way that most Euro-Americans perceive their connections to their ancestors and descendants. The Beng believe that if a person violates a patriclan food taboo, he or she will become ill and must seek a healer who is a patriclan member. Each fanua is associated with ancestral shrines, and ritual worship of the ancestors is the major focus of Kwaio religion. Many attempts have been made to explain the Melanesian expressions of the dangers of sexual contact with women, and especially the dangers of menstrual pollution.