OVERLORD was to be the main offensive against Germany in the west. Eisenhower had problems securing the air support he believed necessary for the success of OVERLORD, especially with regard to heavy bombers. Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) strategists wanted these aircraft used during the weeks before D Day to destroy French transportation facilities that the Germans could use to move troops and equipment. As in the Sicilian campaign, the Allies tried to mislead Germany as to their real objectives for OVERLORD. This time, they wanted to convince the enemy that they intended to launch a diversionary strike against Norway, then invade France at the Pas de Calais. British intelligence devised a plan, code-named FORTITUDE, to make the deception convincing. It provided for the creation of two fictitious armies: one in Scotland that supposedly would move against Norway and the more "powerful" First Army Group in southeastern England, destined for the Pas de Calais.