In the area of culture, Hopis have successfully asserted their own cultural rules, norms, attitudes, values, and institutions as the basis for collective decision-making, problem-solving, and interaction with other indigenous nations as well as with the nation-state and with international bodies. The Hopi Tribal government now joins religious leaders in pressing for the return of ceremonial objects that have gotten into the hands of "primitive art" dealers or ended up in museums. The Hopi offer a case of resisting various aspects of modernization, whether rightly or wrongly, and for a diversity of reasons, while strongly embracing others. The economic needs of the metropolis have generated cultural changes in the Hopi polity. The Hopi offer a case of resisting various aspects of modernization, whether rightly or wrongly, and for a diversity of reasons, while strongly embracing others. Modernization includes the process of pursuing goals, directly or indirectly, through rational methods.