The National Salvation Revolution Command Council (NSRCC) committee created to review Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) II was in no real hurry, and as the army prepared to clear the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) from Kurmuk, it began a campaign to clear Khartoum of the displaced southerners. The interview ended with Bashir and Priestley disagreeing over whether the government had ever approved airdrops over Waat-although the United Nations had received government approval and reported OLS airdrops into Waat, Pibor, and Pochala beginning in mid-June 1989. Following the Bashir-Priestley meeting, government newspapers reported that OLS II would not only provide food aid but would also rehabilitate educational institutions and upgrade undisclosed water systems. In December 1989 the NSRCC Political Supervisor for Kordofan Brigadier Faisal Medani and General Awadallah Muhammad al-Fatih, the governor of Kordofan, visited Lagowa to investigate and organize a reconciliation conference in El Obeid in January, which provided only rhetoric rather than results.