Mary Pickford performed in her final feature film in 1933, she continued to work steadily for over two decades: as an owner-partner-producer at United Artists, on the stage, on radio, in cosmetics, in print, in film preservation, and in philanthropy. She was now the dignified matron hosting events at Pickfair and lending her name and reputation as chair of the Women's Committee of the Motion Picture Division of the Red Cross. She married actor and musician Buddy Rogers in June 1937. Pickford suggested she might also produce some Temple films. She recognized the importance of preserving film before most and worked to secure the rights to all her films. In May 1979, Pickford suffered a stroke. She lingered for a few days and died on May 29, 1979, in Santa Monica Hospital. She was buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in suburban Los Angeles with the rest of the Pickfords: Charlotte, Jack, and Lottie.