Tassia Lodge is owned and operated by the Lekurruki group ranch. It features wonderful views over northern Kenya, abundant wildlife, and architecture that is reminiscent of Maasai dwellings while still being luxurious. Ilngwesi Lodge is a similar facility run by the Ilng'wesi group ranch and featuring a "cultural boma" where tourists can watch Maasai dancing. Jeniffer is one of the daughters of Kitarpei Ole Matunge, a leading political figure in the Mukogodo area who was chief of Mukogodo Location in 1986. The chapter examines some trends in ethnic labels in the Mukogodo area and the forces behind them. Toward that end, they are raising money for a solar wax melter, which would allow them to make wax products without cutting down more trees for firewood. The Mukogodo Fund will be working with a variety of groups in the Mukogodo area, mostly as a source of small grants to help with income generation, education, and health.