This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book is written in the conviction that mainstream (or neoclassical) economics is leading us to a dead-end. In contrast infusing mainline economics with more expansive and realistic conceptions of information/communication utterly transforms static neoclassicism into evolutionary political economy, and results in modes of analysis that, when applied through policy, can lead to a more just, more democratic, more humane, and more sustainable future. Dedicated to helping fill the gaps between economics and communication studies, Communication and the Transformation of Economics at various points utilizes the language and modes of analysis of first one and then the other of the disciplines. A transformation of mainstream economics, by infusing the discipline with communicatory insight, is vital for the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The analytical underpinning and ideological justification for this neoconservative policy agenda is neoclassical economics.