The Sao Paulo uprising, which was to spur the disaggregation of the revolutionary forces, quickly erupted in good part because Joao Alberto Lins de Barros, placed in charge there by Getulio dornelles vargas, was an outsider to this nation within the nation. When Joao Alberto established the Revolutionary Legion in Sao Paulo, the Democratic Party broke with the government. Vargas sought to stave off the coming revolt by announcing elections for a constituent assembly to be held in May 1933. Yet by May 1932 Brazil found itself on the brink of civil war. Constitutional government soon tell victim to polarization, which gave Vargas an opportunity to rule Brazil. Vargas did not significantly change his political style or the institutional structure of the Estado Novo during the seven years following the elimination of the Integralists, but Brazil was changing and he adapted pragmatically to altered conditions.