During the month of March last, arrangements were made by the authority of Sir Joshua Jebb, for obtaining a complete census of the prisoners who slept within the walls of the several convict prisons on the 31st of that month. In this same year 1861, the deaths from all causes among the 1,204 female convicts were eleven in number, and if this population, at the ascertained ages of 1862, had formed part of the population of England, the deaths would have been thirteen instead of eleven, and if part of the population of London, twelve instead of eleven. In the year 1861, the rate of mortality of male convicts, when calculated in the manner least open to exception, and compared with the best standards, was highly favourable, and that of female convicts far from unsatisfactory. The sanitary state of female convicts is less favourable; for the rate of mortality is nearly fourteen per thousand.