With Vitturi now gone, tension eases ever more on the campo and the island. The chants fade, the excitement wanes, the snowballs cease flying, and the inhabitants go back home. Giacomo Suriano, still at hand, in the company of some patricians and Murano cittadini settles in the palace of the podestà, where talk flows fast till evening. Now comes the time to forget, and to remember. So, begins the event’s second life – of recounting and memory. The revolt’s brief time, marked by spontaneity and the swift press of actions, yields to history’s long time, lodged in temporal stretch and story. Memory sets in motion its work of selection and reconstitution. This process is a new stage in the Snowball Revolt, where the affair is untangled and settled. Whatever the real motives of the Muranesi gathered on Campo Santi Maria e Donato, and the true nature of their actions and intentions, the event’s interpretation falls mainly to those persons summoned to testify and, in the end, to the avogadori di Comun.