This chapter deals with the role of corporations or corporatized symbolic philanthropy and the silent role of non-profits in the legitimation of neoliberalism, and their complicity in the reproduction of harms and violence, along with the commoditization and usurping of resistance to neoliberalism’s harms, violence and inequalities. The violence and harms of societies spanning centuries of time and across the globe are the result of the insidious nature of power and the dogmatic hegemonic discourse that fuels and maintains systems of oppression. Yet, neoliberalism is violent, harmful and entrenched in inequalities, all the while legitimating and reproducing itself. The chapter discusses the commoditization of violence from professional sports, self-defense, entertainment, state violence and nationalism, corporatized extension of the carceral state, to neoliberalism’s defining and assigning value of the dead. It considers the harm and violence inflicted on vulnerable populations, including the homeless, refugees and immigrants and the reproduction of the patriarchal system.