Mid-afternoon is rife with complications and pitfalls for people with eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. Lowered blood sugar and slowing body rhythms create emotional and chemical instability, problematic thought patterns, and symptom use. Structured Eating de-escalates eating disorder thoughts and emotions by simplifying and demystifying dinner’s form—starting with the plate itself. The early-evening snack provides the body with stable influx of energy between mini-meal and dinner. The late-evening snack meets the body’s nutritional needs between dinner and bedtime. An adequate, balanced breakfast and snack supply enough fuel for a patient’s body to reach midday. Accumulated midday tension creates more vulnerability to “managing” emotions with symptoms like bingeing, purging, restriction, or compulsive eating. When aspects of the day feel overwhelming or out of control, eating behavior is the one thing they can control. A light touch can help patients feel more receptive to the science behind the body at midday.