This chapter discusses the different stages to becoming a doctor in the US, how much it costs to attend medical school, and how many more hours United States (US) doctors work than in other countries. Healthcare is talking about soul, talking about people. Physicians in Europe have the opportunity to take a three-month holiday versus in the US where the typical vacation is 28 days. The corporations that own hospitals around the country pay the physician for a 40-hour work week, plus extra if they are on call. In the US, it is never just a 40-hour work week because physicians in the US are always available for their patients. Malpractice insurance is not paid in other countries, but because this country has a litigious leaning, physicians must have malpractice insurance to defend against frivolous lawsuits brought by people who think that by suing the doctor they can collect money that they would never make by working every day.