Chapter 1 reviews the applications of English medium instruction (EMI) in different non-English-speaking and English-speaking countries around the globe, including Malaysia, Singapore, India, Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. I compare the levels of language and content focused across classrooms in accordance with students’ levels of English proficiency and studies. By reviewing recent EMI literature, I show how L2 students with poor English ability are unable to benefit from EMI teaching and narrow down to the context of Hong Kong. Noting the research gap of the lack of EMI studies, the chapter sets out the four major research questions that will be investigated in this book.

What is the nature of classroom interactions in English medium instruction (EMI) science classrooms?

What are the differences and similarities in classroom interactions in early–full and late–partial EMI schools?

What are the differences and similarities in classroom interactions between Grades 10 and 11 in early–full and late–partial EMI schools?

What are teachers’ perceptions of teaching science through EMI?
