This is one of six chapters that describe projects devised by Mirror Theatre since 2009. Drinking Choices contains two separate scenes telling the stories of two students who attend parties off campus and their experiences with alcohol. It discusses Mirror Theatre’s partnership with Brock University’s SHS that requested two videos that would be used in mandatory workshops with students who were found guilty of an infraction. It differs from most Mirror Theatre plays as (a) it was never designed to be performed live but scripted solely for video that would be used by Student Health Service staff in workshops, (b) it does not follow a vignette format; rather, it takes an interview-style format where students discuss an event that is accompanied by a series of flashbacks, and (c) it was recorded on location. Themes include social pressures to drink, rick taking, and how drinking affects others. It concludes with forum theatre workshop recommendations for the Joker to use, including voices for/voices against, hot-seating, restorying, and taking observational notes.