The transition to university is fraught with challenges, and studies show that non-academic factors contribute to success or lack thereof. At the request of colleagues from the Faculty Applied Health Sciences, Mirror Theatre dramatized the research that they had collected, focusing on themes that they deemed important. The drama activity, machines, was adapted to portray a passage of time. All scenes were recorded in the drama studio with some representing other locations using suggestive props and the shadow screen was to portrays who weren’t geographically located in the vignette. A variety of examples of time management were portrayed throughout. Budgeting, healthy eating, locus of control, being supported and supporting, and gratitude were other themes. While faculty conducted a few workshops, Mirror Theatre was not directly involves by did present to groups of high school students visiting campus. Index cards were used to compile a list of budgeting items, voice for/against to make decisions of friendship responsibilities, and hot-seating characters were employed with audience with other planned to be used, if needed.