“The Pteropods, among Mollusks, were much larger than the modern species of the tribe. The Trilobites even of the Lower Cambrian comprise species as large as living Crustaceans. The Ostrapods are generally larger than those of recent times.” “The types of the early Cambrian are mostly identical with those now represented in existing seas, and although inferior in general as to grade, they bear no marks of imperfect or stunted growth from unfit or foul surroundings.” While a gigantic Isopod Crustacean from the same strata had a leg the basal joint of which was three inches long, and three-quarters of an inch through, which is larger than the whole body of any modern species. The ancient “Horse-tails,” “Ground-pines,” Ferns and Cycads were trees from 30 to 90 feet high, and their carbonized stems and leaves make up many of our largest and best beds of coal. Compared with them the modern representatives are mere herbs or shrubbery.