Cutover starts only after minor-severity and medium-priority defects remain in the EHR software. Frontline reinforcing sponsors will repeatedly remind their targets that project support mechanisms and Cerpix staff will do everything possible to help cutover succeed. Assuming the results state post-live can end, KDMC begins to wind down the cutover part of the recovery project as optimization ramps up to continuously improve patient service delivery. Apart from this service desk staff education, users receive training in their role requesting help. While service desk representatives have excellent troubleshooting skills, users must assist too by knowing how to clarify what they need to accomplish, what went wrong, and when the problem started”. Go-live requires responding to individual defects and issues but also stepping back and assessing severity and priority for optimized resource allocation. However, after evaluation, IT and operational support resources are available only to respond to issues based on the highest priority and severest criticality.