This chapter focusses on four terms through a critical pedagogical method towards adverse ideas of hegemony and plurality. Looking at APG's ideas of context as half the work and following on from the reflection in previous chapters around closness and distance and the Silent University, such as context as material. Soft-conflict infiltration takes ideas of funding redistribution and a thorough re-examination of the creative economy for the potential within a social-economic sphere towards re-thinking economically with agonism. Bodily learning is in the choreographic act—the act of being present with others, in that space, and through the work of William Forsythe. The book aims to frame the action of being in physical distance to others is the development of how to think in public. The last section recaptures the previous parts and looks at the process of re-forming knowledge to not un-learn our neoliberal selves but to hold them even closer as not to forget.