Even the smallest baby seems to be able to remove socks and bootees at will. This is the skill that one needs to develop if one wants the child to be able to dress independently. Dressing skills are usually acquired through observation and copying. Lots of motor activities will contribute to improving dressing and undressing. Taking off socks, hats and gloves is a necessary precursor to dressing skills. It is easier to pull clothes off than to calculate how to put something on. Socks, gloves and hats require little effort to remove. Other clothing tends to require a higher skillset. Montessori nurseries are based on developing relevant practical skills and techniques. Many of their strategies work well when supporting children with vision impairment, as they rely on doing rather than watching. One can progress onto more complex fastenings. Manipulation boards can be bought from specialist suppliers, but they are much more expensive and more suited to older children.