This final chapter brings together the main arguments about refugee exploitation, reverting back to the concept of the “business of misery” and “climate changed,” and this analysis is interjected with field notes on how the refugees I came to know have since progressed in their new countries. All this suggests that the long-term management of people displacement seems to be unconsidered and the main approach being adopted at national and European levels is what I term as “constant emergency maintenance.” People displacement will continue to evolve as one of the largest challenges to humanity as long as capitalistic forces continue to plunder the world’s natural resources and Western politics prevail in their neo-colonial domination of other countries in crisis. It is not going to go away by flirtily tinkering with bespoke social policies which slightly alter the existing apparatus. This concluding chapter indicates that we will need a radical rethink by means of a global “event” which can bring about change to the social system. Without this jolt to life as we know it, we are simply staring at the beginning of the end.