The Indian Nuclear Doctrine as detailed in a press release on January 04, 2003, is a starkly simplistic document. Indeed, the cabinet note from that meeting spoke of ‘operationalising’ the nuclear doctrine. On August 17, the then Indian National Security Advisor Brajesh Mishra released a draft report from the National Security Advisory Board on Indian Nuclear Doctrine. Autonomy of decision-making in the developmental process and in strategic matters is an inalienable democratic right of the Indian people. The requirements of deterrence should be carefully weighed in the design of Indian nuclear forces and in the strategy to provide for a level of capability consistent with maximum credibility, survivability, effectiveness, safety and security. The efficacy of India’s nuclear deterrent can be maximised through synergy among all elements involving reliability, timeliness, accuracy and weight of the attack. Nuclear weapons shall be tightly controlled and released for use at the highest political level.