A case refers to the role a noun or a pronoun plays in a particular sentence or clause. There are four main functions and each one can be linked to a specific case in German: https://www.niso.org/standards/z39-96/ns/oasis-exchange/table"> case function of noun/pronoun example nominative The noun/pronoun is the subject of the sentence, i.e. the ‘agent’ of what is happening. Der Verkäufer bringt ein Handy. ‘The shop assistant brings a mobile phone.’ accusative It is the direct object of a sentence, i.e. the ‘receiver’ of the action.

Die Kundin ruft den Verkäufer.

‘The customer calls the shop assistant.’

dative It is the indirect object , an additional object to whom/which the action is done.

Er gibt ihr einen Gutschein.

‘He gives her a voucher.’

genitive It indicates possession or ownership between two nouns.

Das ist das Tablet meines Bruders .

‘This is my brother’s tablet.’