Chapter 7 provides a demonstration of the applicability of NExT to a real-world target of investigation: the affordance of pass-through-able for a mouse. By appealing to prior research on mouse brains (e.g., multielectrode recordings during head movement), mouse body movement (e.g., motion tracking), and real environmental features that a mouse would encounter in such a scenario (e.g., optic flow and ambient light array), a proof of concept is offered for the successful integration of ecological psychology and neuroscience. All four core principles of ecological psychology are maintained: Perception is treated as direct, perception and action as continuous, affordances as the central phenomenon, and the organism-environment system as the privileged scale of investigation. Additionally, neuroscience is maintained by way of incorporating a rich account of causal and constitutive contributions of neural spatiotemporal scale activity to the affordance event. After, potential future developments for NExT are explored.