Green-screen shoots have largely superseded blue screen, and although most large green-screen shoots are on stages the trend is to use green soft goods on location. 2K spacelights were a nearly perfect tool for lighting green-screen and white stage cycs and are still in use. Many larger shoots are still tungsten because is it so much easier and cheaper to use 2K spacelights. Sometimes the soft top light coming from the 2K spacelights needs to be reduced. LED spacelights are available, but the expense makes them uncommon. Not all stage cycs are well crafted. Fortunately 2K spacelights often hide the cyc defects. Chroma key green is more common than digital green. It is possible to make a green coved cyc with soft goods and have subjects stand on the green cloth. Edge light can add drama to green-screen subjects that is sometimes lacking strong contrast lighting. Soft keys help make matte pulling easier on green-screen shoots. Silhouettes on green can be difficult; bringing in lots of solids to kill the front light is a good start. Smaller stage shoots are starting to use LEDs. The decision to include feet in a green-screen shoot or not makes a large difference in approach. With effort green-screen shooting can look very real.