This book is devised to help learners memorise and use spelling rules that are tricky to remember. It is so extremely important that the letter sounds are never enunciated with a schwa. Children are taught to say short sounds rather than long sounds for many good reasons. There are so many reasons why learners might find spelling hard. Depending on the learners’ strengths and weaknesses, there could be an assortment of obstacles in the way. To begin with, the relationship between speech sounds (phonology) and spelling patterns (orthography) is very wobbly and can’t be trusted. When children learn to spell, they start to use their background knowledge to help them recognise patterns in spelling. SpLD learners have many strengths and talents, which help them to compensate for their specific difficulties. These difficulties can be epitomised in: sequencing, working memory, rapid naming, processing (often phonological), and acquiring literacy skills.