Throughout previous chapters, outlined have been various ways consumers, consumption and marketing are going through a time of flux. The ways that marketing must respond to shifting cultural surroundings in order to stay relevant have been highlighted. Looking beyond this, it is worth reminding that marketing can alter cultural surroundings as well. Marketing connects with cultural changes and helps to drive these. New ideas, attitudes and ways of being can be picked up and pushed forward. This ability to drive change is valuable. This final chapter considers how marketing can modify consumption so that it is more open minded, inclusive and sustainable. If cultures and the ways that they consume are to change for the better, to become more tolerant and to face up to challenges such as climate change, then marketing has a potentially important role to play. Looking to the past, this chapter outlines themes for marketing moving forward. Inspired by historic examples of how marketing has been used in the past to bring about positive cultural change, marketing may similarly do so today.