Exploring how plots, images, or themes from myth, folktale, fairy tale, or legend recur in a contemporary event and thereby illuminate some aspect of our relations with nature or matter. For terrapsychology, a basic, universal theme or pattern found in both the natural world and in human affairs. “Ecotherapy” performed without giving something back to the natural source of healing is nature exploitation. A large-scale and perhaps planet-wide worldview that holds an archetypal theme at its core and shapes human experience. Heartsteads might be used for reclaiming community strengths, decolonization, storytelling, preservation of crafts and skills (“reskilling”), and self-education. They can serve as ecoresilient hubs of healing, resource-gathering, mourning, remembrance, cultural creation, and problem-solving for communities devastated by political, financial, or ecological disaster. The inquiry initiates a careful, multileveled, and transdisciplinary tending of the ignored or silenced “voice” of place to foster an ecological empathy between us and our surroundings.