The objective of these two Root Cause Analysis Tools is to demonstrate a structured approach in failure resolution. Both tools (8D/PPS) are similar in format and if used correctly by a team will understand the PROBLEM, CONTAIN, move the ROOT CAUSE out and then FIX and CONTROL Quality Issues. I always take these two tools live to the COAL FACE where failures are generated. There is ADDED VALUE in keeping 8D/PPS very VISUAL. Over the last 15 years, in particular, across three different industries – automotive, aerospace, and oil and gas – I have successfully conducted 20 such investigations in nine different companies with a Cross-Functional TEAM approach and a CAN DO/GO SEE mindset putting in ROBUST CONTAINMENTS/FIXES/CONTROLS. Results generated the saving of £1.6 Million from poor quality. The conclusion is that if nothing changes, it will deteriorate. Using a Structured Approach is KEY.