From Policy Deployment, there needs to be a Productive Systems Improvement Plan. The Plan was designed around ten tools and techniques that influence real change and business improvement aligned to Policy Deployment ambitions. By far the best example is the foundry adventure. Engagement, Buy-In, and Implementation sitewide turned a £800,000 loss into a £250,000 profit in ten months. The development of Cultural Awareness, Visual Management, Standardised Working, Flexible Operations, Continuous Improvement, Error Proofing, SMED, TPM, Material Control, and Level Production transformed the site and business KPIs from bare earth to buds of spring to full bloom. A traditional 100-year-old foundry galvanised into real change. Was it easy? Yes and No. It was challenging and required full commitment by all personnel. I was the Lean Facilitator who knew the tools and had the personality and passion to drive from the Coal Face Out. It was the best transformation I have ever been involved in. Policy Deployment + Lean Roadmap = Success!