The objective here is to show the relationship of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) as a measure that is linked to the Single Minute Exchange of Die concept (SMED) Last Off to Good First Off. Examples over the years show that downtime failures from the Performance part of OEE against Available running time usually show that Job Changeover mostly come top of Pareto Analysis. Use OEE to show levels of performance day to day – Target Minimum 85% OEE. Typically, a harsh but true measure. Processes I have improved have only been reaching an average of 35–45% OEE. Carrying out SMED studies with local experts take in a state of readiness before the current job is complete, as well as the breakdown of job change elements and distances travelled, and also the ease of change to mould fitment, air, water, hydraulics pipework, and setting. From studies and implementing improvements, typical increases to OEE are realised between 75 and 95%.