The subtitle of the author's appendix has a more personal background: in the early years of this century the department of Greek and Latin at the University of Oslo supported an online repertory of conjectures on Horace put into effect by Professor Monika Asztalos Murdoch and Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Stockholm). When the total amount of textual conjectures/emendations exceeded 7700, a possible side effect could be that even serious scholars would turn their back on such activity from sheer nausea. Most editions print the poems with open space between the stanzas. There are some notable exceptions in this regard, however: as distinct from the Teubner editions Wickham – Garrod’s OCT edition (1912) and the LCL edition by Rudd (2004b). On the basis of the Alcaic poem alone, the authors may say that blank lines between stanzas hardly reflect what the poet strives at with his whole composition.