In Chile, Mary Graham is considered an early historian of the period and one who described in detail some of the very first steps of the new independent nation. As Mandel explained, with the victory of Chile over Peru in 1880, the development of nitrate extraction led to the complete domination of Chilean mining by British capital. As Mandel has argued, "what determined the unilateral underdevelopment of the so-called 'Third World' was neither the ill-will of the imperialists nor the social let alone 'racial-inability' of its indigenous ruling classes". In 1909, the Chilean Workers' Federation, a mutual aid society, was founded and, though its initial purpose was to curtail unrest, the workers, thus organized, struck 293 times between 1911 and 1920. There are authors who argue that most of the above organizations and protests, which took place in Valparaiso and Santiago in the 1900s, were the result of anarchist ideas and organizing.