Siddhapuram Settlement was kept under the charge of a sub-inspector of police assisted by a constable. By the year 1917, it was upgraded and there was one inspector, one sub-inspector, two head constables and twenty-five constables. Some members of Stuartpuram were transferred to Siddhapuram on the ground that they originally belonged to Atmakur of Kurnool district. Twenty families of Kanjar Bhats were brought from Konnur Settlement but their intermingling with local settlers made them hardened criminals. Stuartpuram was an essentially agricultural settlement started by the Salvation Army in conjunction with the Sitanagaram Settlement. Criminal Tribe settlements established for resettlement and rehabilitation of ex-criminal tribes were regularly visited by police officials as well as representatives of the Salvation Army to check registers and report on the manner and extent to which government grants had been utilized. Police staff were deployed to patrol settlements and manage criminals on the suggested and expected lines.